Friday, June 29, 2007

Everyday Enlightenment

It’s curious. I spent a large portion of my life concerned with genius, art, philosophy, and many other high minded things. I still enjoy art, science (biology more than physics…a bit of a change), literature and poetry and religious studies. However, over time my concerns have become more down to earth. They are more spiritual too, I believe.

The Buddha once said that he taught only suffering and the end of suffering. It is this sort of teaching that I find the most moving now. The teachings that address our lives and how to make them better. In my spiritual studies now I look less for the ‘mystical experience’ of St. John of the Cross or Rumi. I would not reject these experiences should they happen but I am more concerned with the presence of spirituality in our everyday life.

I am not particularly interested in a spirituality that does not address human relations, emotions, and how we interact with the world here and now. As Thich Nhat Hanh often says, ‘The Kingdom of Heaven is here and now.’

I believe that being a husband and a father are spiritual in nature and can lead to enlightenment. I believe the proper care of our day to day lives can lead to wisdom, compassion, and understanding.

A few places you can further explore these ideas:

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